As all companies know, health and safety is paramount across the board. All members of employees have the right to know that their personal health and safety are taken care of when they are at work, and businesses have a responsibility to provide quality health and safety measures to all of their employees.
Whilst a lot of staff work alongside a designated health and safety representative to ensure aid is available at all times, there are employees who work alone on tasks – and in remote locations. It’s important to understand how the employee can ensure and provide the required level of health and safety whilst alone.
We were contacted by one of the UK’s largest energy, phone and broadband providers, who managed a team of 1,800 remote workers, to ask if we could provide and standardise a method that ensured they had their emergency contact details on them at all times.
Should the worst happen, and the remote worker requires their emergency contact details, time is of the essence, and the difference of a matter of seconds can save a person’s life, especially if they have specific medical issues such as diabetes, heart conditions or allergies.
The challenge was to provide an ID card that would be easily accessible and visible yet not impact health and safety, affect the worker, or become easily lost.
We decided the best option for workers would be mini tags printed with each worker’s information. Our 3UP mini tags can be attached to the wearer’s clothing on a shoelace, coat zip, bag, mobile phone or other clothing without impacting their daily tasks or causing a safety issue, and once attached to the wearer, they can be forgotten about – they are even robust enough to go through the washing machine at 60 degrees!
These cards are as customisable as a standard ID card, meaning that you can include your company’s branding and colour scheme as well as individual health and safety information. The focus is on clarity and speed with the ID card tags, as in an emergency situation, the emphasis on these two factors can make the difference.
As a result of these emergency tags being deployed across the company, the rate of satisfaction has improved amongst the lone workers, as they feel as though their safety is taken into consideration by management. The company also exceeds health and safety requirements, which has aided the business elsewhere – such as in recruitment and business processes.
To find out more about how Plastic-ID can help to keep lone workers safe, please get in touch with a member of our expert team. We’ll be happy to help.